Friday, 5 December 2008

Our So Called Advent Blob - Day 5

Well, it looks like party season is on us - on my way home from work I saw a man in a paper hat, another in a santa hat, several women in short skirts and inappropriate footwear, and there even seemed to be a couple of parties getting going on the train. But you don't care about any of that do you? You're just desperate to see what's happening in the world of Lego. Well, here you go....


Jen said...

Is there beer in that mug? 'Cos I could use some beer. . .

Alex said...

A wi-fi enabled beer cooler, it was just a matter of time...!

shanksi said...

Jen, the beauty of Lego is that it can be just about whatever you want it to be - although I've never got happily drunk on Lego.