Sunday 26 August 2007

Hazlehead Park - Well worth a visit

Hazlehead Park is one of the main parks in Aberdeen. It's a pretty cool place, with a maze, putting, crazy golf and a wee zoo, to list a few but probably not all of its many attractions. I seem to remember trampolines and a massive play fort from my childhood but they've gone, replaced by a large play area of climbing frames, slides etc. It's the sort of place where everyone who lives in or near Aberdeen goes from time to time, to play, or have a picnic, or get a snack at the cafe, or just generally chill out. I'd be amazed if I was to meet anyone from round here who had never been - they'd have to be crazy.
We were at Hazlehead on Saturday, partly for something to do, partly to reward the boys for not breaking more than one phone despite being dragged round the shops so Vikki could get her new phone, and partly to see the Aberdeen Blooms flower show. The flower show seemed to have a lot more people selling crafty stuff than I remember previous years, but they did have some excellent Bonsai trees, remarkably large vegetables, some nice flower displays, and some cool stuff done by kids including a pepper made to look a bit like Shrek. Please click on the photos below for the full size versions.


Ian said...

Used to cycle in and around that area quite a lot, but I'm not sure I've ever been to the park itself though. Of course, I may not qualify as being "from" round there.

Andy Cameron said...

Yes, yes, guilty as charged, crazy as a chocolate teapot... :-)

Jen said...

It seems as if one of your boys is very thirsty. Do you not water them now and again? ? ?

Vikki - you have a fantastic wee little "bump"! You can see the baby! Awesome! [I'm so excited for your family!]

I love the Shrek pepper and all the vegetable peoples/thingies. Very niiice.

shanksi said...

Teaching them to drink from fountains and ponds is character building. (and cost-effective)

Vikki said...

Hya Jen,

thanks for the bump compliment! It's a great stage at the moment, especially now that I can feel the baby kicking. We're off to a music festival tomorrow so that will be a test for me - sleeping in a tent for 3 nights... shewee.... I may have to resort to sleeping in the car. :-( Hope the baby likes the Jesus and Mary Chain!