Look at me. I'm standing up, using my very own little legs. OK, I'm using things like the dishwasher, magazine racks, and my toys to help me, but I'm only little and I feel I'm making significant progress. I've also got 11 teeth now, so don't give me any lip, or I'll bite you. And don't think I won't - I've bitten daddy and he wasn't even doing anything to annoy me at the time; I just thought his finger looked quite tasty. Talking about daddy, he apologises that he's not been blogging much but he says he's been busy. Busy doing nothing and playing silly games on the computer, if you ask me.
Bye for now. From Magnus
Oww! Poor daddy!No wonder he hasn'tbeen blogging!
Awww! What a cutey! 11 Teeth?! No wonder that hurt! But how can one get upset at such itty-bitty cuteness?!
Are you using Magnus's cuteness to make us all admire your dishwasher repair work?
You may not believe it, but I had completely forgotten about the whole dishwasher incident. However, now that you've brought it up, that is indeed a fully functional dishwasher that Magnus is examining (although the door hinges seem a little bit looser these days).
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