Sunday, 29 June 2008

No Swimming Allowed

The Ythan Challenge is an approximately 10K multi-terrain run in which you have to tackle obstacles such as fallen logs, steep slopes, hay bales, deep mud, and a wade along a river. It was also an awful lot of fun - very friendly and well organised. I was running with Gordon, Claire, Angela, Margaret, and Wendy from jogscotland and we had a good time, supporting and helping each other through the obstacles. I'm happy to report we all finished with both shoes. A great run - I'll hopefully be back next year and would recommend it to anyone. Anyone who doesn't mind getting a wee bit dirty, wet, and cold that is.


Ian said...

That does sound like fun. Anything that involves running through mud and rivers has to be good. Did you use special fast draining shoes?

Word verification is mfkka. How rude!?

shanksi said...

It was great fun - I was wearing an old pair of Nikes which I think have a burst air cushion so I was going "squelch" a lot on the latter part of the run.