The coast between Stonehaven and Aberdeen is often blanketed in haar, which sometimes makes my commute a slightly spooky, fun trip (I have a fairly vivid imagination when I need it) especially when something interesting suddenly appears out of the mist. Last year, for example, I spotted a herd of buffalo. Seriously. And I've since seen them in full visibility, so I'm pretty sure it wasn't a hallucination.
Even stranger, last night I looked up from the book I'm reading to see a sign in the middle of a field which read "Imminent Utopia". I've no idea what that's all about but I'm hoping that maybe the village of Brigadoon is about to make an appearance.
Must have been disappointing when the next stop turned out to be Dyce.
Was the nest stop Dyce???!!!
I was heading home, so the next stop was actually Stonehaven, the "Utopia of the North East" as it has never been known.
Um. I'm superiorly confused.
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