Thursday, 18 September 2008

I wanna be a rockstar


As ever, Vikki's Uncle Peter and Auntie Nancy gave Lachlan a really cool birthday present, because they are generous people and I suspect Peter is really a big kid at heart. And as ever, it took me ages to remember to buy some batteries, because I am basically useless. In this instance, the present was an electric guitar and microphone which the kids are now thoroughly enjoying making a fine racket with. Thanks, Peter and Nancy!
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Ian said...

It's only fitting that Lachlan have the instruments to go with his grunge hair.

Jen said...

I heard the trick is is to give other peoples kids the loud toys. Or, if you have a father like me, he just mechanically took the noise makers out of the noisy toys before we got our wee little hands on 'em.

I never knew that toys made noise until I growed up.

Fi said...

Grunge guitar rocks! Although the venue might be a little....erm un-grunge?!